
A magic place for coding



Given two integers tomatoSlices and cheeseSlices. The ingredients of different burgers are as follows:

  • Jumbo Burger: 4 tomato slices and 1 cheese slice.
  • Small Burger: 2 Tomato slices and 1 cheese slice.

Return [total_jumbo, total_small] so that the number of remaining tomatoSlices equal to 0 and the number of remaining cheeseSlices equal to 0. If it is not possible to make the remaining tomatoSlices and cheeseSlices equal to 0 return [].

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Given an undirected tree, return its diameter: the number of edges in a longest path in that tree.

The tree is given as an array of edges where edges[i] = [u, v] is a bidirectional edge between nodes u and v. Each node has labels in the set {0, 1, ..., edges.length}.

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There are n cities numbered from 0 to n - 1 and n - 1 roads such that there is only one way to travel between two different cities (this network form a tree). Last year, The ministry of transport decided to orient the roads in one direction because they are too narrow.

Roads are represented by connections where connections[i] = [ai, bi] represents a road from city ai to city bi.

This year, there will be a big event in the capital (city 0), and many people want to travel to this city.

Your task consists of reorienting some roads such that each city can visit the city 0. Return the minimum number of edges changed.

It’s guaranteed that each city can reach city 0 after reorder.

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You are given a string s representing a list of words. Each letter in the word has one or more options.

  • If there is one option, the letter is represented as is.
  • If there is more than one option, then curly braces delimit the options. For example, "{a,b,c}" represents options ["a", "b", "c"].

For example, if s = "a{b,c}", the first character is always 'a', but the second character can be 'b' or 'c'. The original list is ["ab", "ac"].

Return all words that can be formed in this manner, sorted in lexicographical order.

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A complete binary tree is a binary tree in which every level, except possibly the last, is completely filled, and all nodes are as far left as possible.

Design an algorithm to insert a new node to a complete binary tree keeping it complete after the insertion.

Implement the CBTInserter class:

  • CBTInserter(TreeNode root) Initializes the data structure with the root of the complete binary tree.
  • int insert(int v) Inserts a TreeNode into the tree with value Node.val == val so that the tree remains complete, and returns the value of the parent of the inserted TreeNode.
  • TreeNode get_root() Returns the root node of the tree.
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Given two strings s and part, perform the following operation on s until all occurrences of the substring part are removed:

  • Find the leftmost occurrence of the substring part and remove it from s.

Return s after removing all occurrences of part.

A substring is a contiguous sequence of characters in a string.

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You are given an integer array nums and an integer k. You can partition the array into at most k non-empty adjacent subarrays. The score of a partition is the sum of the averages of each subarray.

Note that the partition must use every integer in nums, and that the score is not necessarily an integer.

Return the maximum score you can achieve of all the possible partitions. Answers within 10-6 of the actual answer will be accepted.

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