This post will show you a List implemented by using dynamic storage.
Noted that we use the Node structure the same as which we have used in the previous containers. If you still have question about that, you can search Node in this station.
Here I give the definition of LinkedList.(LinkedList.hpp)
1 | template <class List_entry> |
Please pay attention that I have included an auxiliary function set_position() which will prove useful in our implementations of the methods.
precondition: None.
postcondition: The List has been created and is initialized to be empty.
1 | template <class List_entry> |
precondition: None.
postcondition: The function returns the number of items in the List.
1 | template <class List_entry> |
precondition: None.
postcondition: The function returns true or false according to whether the List is empty or not.
1 | template <class List_entry> |
precondition: None.
postcondition: All List items have been removed; the List is empty.
1 | template <class List_entry> |
traverse(void (*visit)(List_entry&))
precondition: None.
postcondition: The action specified by function *visit has been performed on every item of the List, beginning at position 0 and doing each in turn.
1 | template <class List_entry> |
retrieve(int position, List_entry &x)
precondition: None.
postcondition: If 0 ≤ position < n, where n is the number of items in the List, the function succeeds: The item at position is copied to x; all List items remain unchanged. Else: The function fails with a diagnostic error code.
1 | template <class List_entry> |
replace(int position, const List_entry &x)
precondition: None.
postcondition: If 0 ≤ position < n, where n is the number of items in the List, the function succeeds: The item at position is replaced by x; all other items remain unchanged. Else: The function fails with a diagnostic error code.
1 | template <class List_entry> |
remove(int position, List_entry &x)
precondition: None.
postcondition: If 0 ≤ position < n, where n is the number of items in the List, the function succeeds: The item at position is removed from the List. The parameter x records a copy of the item formerly at position. Else: The function fails with a diagnostic error code.
1 | template <class List_entry> |
insert(int position, const List_entry &x)
precondition: None.
postcondition: If the List is not full and 0 ≤ position ≤ n, where n is the number of items in the List, the function succeeds: x is inserted at position of the List. Else: the function fails with a diagnostic error code.
1 | template <class List_entry> |
precondition: None.
postcondition: Clear the List itself.
1 | template <class List_entry> |
LinkedList(const LinkedList< List_entry > ©)
precondition: None.
postcondition: The List is initialized as a copy of List copy.
1 | template <class List_entry> |
operator=(const LinkedList< List_entry > ©)
precondition: None.
postcondition: The List is reset as a copy of List copy.
1 | template <class List_entry> |
set_position(int position)
precondition: position is a valid position in the List; 0 ≤ position < count.
postcondition: Returns a pointer to the Node in position.
1 | template <class List_entry> |
Above is the definition and its implementations of a LinkedList. In this post, I’d like to make a comparation between a contiguous list and a linked list concerning to their time complexity.
The contiguous list:
- insert and remove require time approximately proportional to n(O(n)).
- List, clear, empty, full, size, replace, and retrieve operate in constant time(O(1)).
The linked list:
- clear, insert, remove, retrieve, and replace require time approximately proportional to n(O(n)).
- List, empty, full, and size operate in constant time(O(1)).
Noted that I havn’t included traverse in this discussion, since its time depends on the time used by its parameter visit, which we don’t know.
This is all the content of this post. Hope it can be useful to your. Thank you very much!