In some old computer languages, pointers or other facilities for dynamic storage allocation are not provided. Lists are often implemented by using an array-based storage. This way to store data sometimes better than the dynamic one. This post will show how to implement linked lists using only integer variables and arrays.
First we have to define a Node structure, which has an entry to store the data itself and a index to point to the next node. This structure simulate the pointer in some way. Now I give the definition of Node.
1 | typedef int index; |
Noted that index is actually an int type variable, which is the next index of the present entry.
The general definition of a StaticList is similiar to the linked one. But a StaticList process more auxiliary functions to help handle entries.
Here I’ll give the code.(StaticList.hpp)
1 | template <class List_entry> |
The functions new_node and delete_node play the roles of the C++ operators new and delete. Thus, new_node returns a previously unallocated index from workplace.
The set_position operation is used to locate the index of workplace that stores the element of out list with a given position number.
The current_position operation uses an index in workplace as its parameter, it calculates the position of any list entry stored there.
precondition: None.
postcondition: The StaticList has been created and is initialized to be empty.
1 | template <class List_entry> |
precondition: None.
postcondition: The function returns the number of entries in the StaticList.
1 | template <class List_entry> |
precondition: None.
postcondition: The function returns true or false according to whether the StaticList is full or not.
1 | template <class List_entry> |
precondition: None.
postcondition: The function returns true or false according to whether the StaticList is empty or not.
1 | template <class List_entry> |
precondition: None.
postcondition: All List entries have been removed; the StaticList is empty.
1 | template <class List_entry> |
traverse(void (*visit)(List_entry &))
precondition: None.
postcondition: The action specified by function *visit has been performed on every entry of the StaticList, beginning at position 0 and doing each in turn.
1 | template <class List_entry> |
retrieve(int position, List_entry &x)
precondition: None.
postcondition: If the StaticList is not full and 0 < position < n; where n is the number of entries in the StaticList, the function succeeds: The entry in position is copied to x. Otherwise the function fails with an error code of Range_over.
1 | template <class List_entry> |
replace(int position, const List_entry &x)
precondition: None.
postcondition: If 0 < position < n; where n is the number of entries in the StaticList, the function succeeds: The entry in position is replaced by x, all other entries remain unchanged. Otherwise the function fails with an error code of Range_over.
1 | template <class List_entry> |
remove(int position, List_entry &x)
precondition: None.
postcondition: If 0 ≤ position < n, where n is the number of entries in the StaticList, the function succeeds: The entry at position is removed from the StaticList, and all later entries have their position numbers decreased by 1. The parameter x records a copy of the entry formerly at position. Else: The function fails with a diagnostic error code.
1 | template <class List_entry> |
insert(int position, const List_entry &x)
precondition: None.
postcondition: If the StaticList is not full and 0 ≤ position ≤ n, where n is the number of entries in the StaticList, the function succeeds: Any entry formerly at position and all later entries have their position numbers increased by 1, and x is inserted at position in the StaticList. Else: The function fails with a diagnostic error code.
1 | template <class List_entry> |
precondition: None.
postcondition: The index of the first available Node in workplace is returned; the data members available, last_used, and workplace are updated as necessary. If the workplace is already full, -1 is returned.
1 | template <class List_entry> |
delete_node(index n)
precondition: The StaticList has a Node stored at index old_index.
postcondition: The StaticList index old_index is pushed onto the linked stack of available space; available, last_used, and workplace are updated as necessary.
1 | template <class List_entry> |
current_position(index n)
precondition: None.
postcondition: Returns the position number of the node stored at index n, or -1 if there no such node.
1 | template <class List_entry> |
set_position(int position)
precondition: position is a valid position in the StaticList; 0 ≤ position < count.
postcondition: Returns the index of the node at position in the StaticList.
1 | template <class List_entry> |
So far, I’ve introduce the StaticList and its implementation. Thank you!