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  看到了Go1.12的Release Note对runtime有这么一个更新:

Go 1.12 significantly improves the performance of sweeping when a large fraction of the heap remains live. This reduces allocation latency immediately following a garbage collection.

The Go runtime now releases memory back to the operating system more aggressively, particularly in response to large allocations that can’t reuse existing heap space.

The Go runtime’s timer and deadline code is faster and scales better with higher numbers of CPUs. In particular, this improves the performance of manipulating network connection deadlines.

On Linux, the runtime now uses MADV_FREE to release unused memory. This is more efficient but may result in higher reported RSS. The kernel will reclaim the unused data when it is needed. To revert to the Go 1.11 behavior (MADV_DONTNEED), set the environment variable GODEBUG=madvdontneed=1.

  稍微解释一下就是,为了减少频繁的内存申请和释放所带来的latency,Go1.12采用了一种更加aggressive的方法,对于申请到的大块内存,使用完之后并不会真正释放给系统,而是会打上标记,等到系统真的不够内存了,才会去真正释放掉这些空间。所以对于同一个线程来说,如果之后还需要用到内存,它就能直接使用这一块空间,而不需要再重新分配内存、数据清零。但这个缺点就是这些空间没有真正释放之前,它会被记入到进程的RSS(Resident Set Size,一个进程在RAM中实际持有的内存大小)中,因此最终导致的现象就是系统OOM。



  按照Release Note,只需要设置环境变量GODEBUG=madvdontneed=1即可。


  1. golang issue
  2. madvise详解
  3. madvise–Linux manual page
  4. [golang 1.12 release note – runtime](

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