
A magic place for coding




  1. 构造下述三角形问题的弱健壮的等价类测试用例。
    • 三角形问题:输入三个不超过100的正整数作为三角形的三条边,判断三角形是等边三角形、等腰不等边三角形、完全不等边三角形还是不能构成三角形。


  • 等价类的划分
    • 一个输入等价类是指程序输入域的某个子集,在该子集中,各个输入数据对于揭露程序中的错误是等效的。测试某一个等价类的代表值就等同于对这个等价类的其他值的测试。
    • 等价类的划分有两种:
      • 有效等价类:对于程序规格说明来说是合理的、有意义的输入数据构成的集合。
      • 无效等价类:对于程序规格说明来说是不合理的、无意义的输入数据构成的集合。


  • R1 = {<*a*,*b*,*c*>: the triangle with sides a, b, and c is equilateral}
  • R2 = {<*a*,*b*,*c*>: the triangle with sides a, b, and c is isosceles}
  • R3 = {<*a*,*b*,*c*>: the triangle with sides a, b, and c is scalene}
  • R4 = {<*a*,*b*,*c*>: sides a, b, and c do not form a triangle}


Test Case a b c Expected Output
WN1 3 3 3 Equilateral
WN2 3 3 4 Isosceles
WN3 3 4 5 Scalene
WN4 1 1 2 Not a triangle



Test Case a b c Expected Output
WR1 -1 3 3 value of a is out of range
WR2 3 -1 3 value of b is out of range
WR3 3 3 -1 value of c is out of range
WR4 110 98 99 value of a is out of range
WR5 98 110 99 value of b is out of range
WR6 98 99 110 value of c is out of range
WR7 3.5 3 4 value of a is not type int
WR8 3 3.5 4 value of b is not type int
WR9 3 4 3.5 value of c is not type int


  1. http://www.testingeducation.org/conference/wtst3_collard4.pdf
  2. Lec.16 by Prof. Guoyang Cai

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